Every member of the team here at Dashwood Out of School Club maintain a high professional standards with a deep passion for ensuring that children have a safe environment in which to play, interact with others and be able to express themselves freely. Each staff member has been subject to DBS checks and holds relevant and up to date certificates for Safeguarding, Paediatric First Aid, Food Hygiene and Allergy Awareness
Young children have lively minds from the start. We strive to make the most of this natural quality by enabling them to experience, investigate, care about others, interact, develop and create. We strive to deepen and strengthen children’s natural abilities by providing them with the healthiest environment possible.
Our Club follows the 'Playwork Principles', so the children are free to choose activities and resources as they wish.
Our facilities provide children with everything they need to be themselves. We have bright and welcoming indoor and outdoor play areas.
Equipped for role play, reading, technology, sensory play, dressing up.
A homely, caring environment where the children can express themselves, where their imagination comes to life, where their creativity flows and where laughter is music to everyone's ears.