For all you hard working parents out there, our Breakfast club doors open from 0730am allowing you to drop your little ones off at our door taking the pressure of the school run out of your hands.
During the after school session, the children are able to chose from a menu, a cold or hot snack every session. As well as this, fresh water, fruit and raw vegetables are provided and are available throughout the session. As with the breakfast club, children are encouraged to make their own sandwiches/wraps etc
Every day of Holiday club is different and unique!
We aim to deliver new and exciting experiences for your child during their time at club. Therefore each day will be filled with fun activities, toys and games. Special
Theme Days
are planned during the summer holidays and are very popular with staff and children. Furthermore holiday club is a place where children have a choice in what they would like to do with their time and their ideas are encouraged and supported.
Day trips are often organised and are either local, or further afield. Local trips include a visit to the park to play team games or have a picnic, or a trip to the bowling alley. Trips that are further afield involve us using a reputable coach company or the club minibus to travel to places such as:
*Additional charges maybe required for some trips to cover cost of entry and coach.
Breakfast, mid morning and mid afternoon snacks are provided, as well as fresh fruit, raw vegetables and water being made available throughout the day.
Children are required to bring a packed lunch and a water bottle